让您久等!2023年二月份的最新文献出炉了。Research Diets 营养科学家在这回文献收纳过程感到尤其振奋,因为看到很多作者团队使用我们的 OpenSource 产品尝试新颖的应用,这也更激励我们收纳统整新的科研知识。
此期课题涉及 1) 氧化磷酸化过程对维持个体组织中的巨嗜细胞细胞群数作用,2) 高脂饮食如何影响个体本身的能量稳态,以及 3) 高脂饮食对各性别的听力丧失程度调查,到 4) 调查治疗2型糖尿病用的二甲双胍诱导产生的核糖核酸結合蛋白(Tristetraprolin or TTP)是如何降低肝内脂质新生,再到5) 高粱和其他谷物的蜡质突变改变肠道微生物群相。我们鼓励有兴趣的读者可以参阅下方总表。此外,我们也进一步介绍了 Wculek 的文章,希望可以帮助到大家在寻找课题时提供一些思路 。
Research Diets 2023 二月份最新文献合集
期刊 |
文献名称 | 第一作者 | 饲料编号 |
Immunity | Oxidative phosphorylation selectively orchestrates tissue macrophage homeostasis1 |
Stefanie K Wculek | D12492 |
Metabolism | Metformin-induced TTP mediates communication between Kupffer cells and hepatocytes to alleviate hepatic steatosis by regulating lipophagy and necroptosis2 |
Jeongmin Park | D12492,A02082002BR |
Obesity | High-fat diet-induced elevation of body weight set point in male mice3 |
Lisa Z Fang | D12450H,D11071701,D12451,D12492,D12079B |
Biology of Sex Differences |
Sex differences in hearing impairment due to diet-induced obesity in CBA/Ca mice4 | Soo Jeong Kim | D12450J,D19102806,D12492 |
Gut Microbes |
The waxy mutation in sorghum and other cereal grains reshapes the gut microbiome by reducing levels of multiple beneficial species5 |
Research Diets 的文献合集初衷是为方便大家检索和 OpenSource 配方使用相关的论文,我们仅依饲料编号列出五篇代表的文章信息,如文献题目、发表期刊、第一作者等。我们也相信定期检索期刊文章可以确保我们的营养科学团队提供最新的科研咨询服务。受限于内容长度限制,我们不能列出二月所有的发表,Research Diets营养科学家对未被提及的作者们致上歉意。如果您有任何疑问,欢迎发信息至我们公众号平台,或写信至info@resesarchdiets.com。
Wculek SK, Heras-Murillo I, Mastrangelo A, Mañanes D, Galán M, Miguel V, Curtabbi A, Barbas C, Chandel NS, Enríquez JA, Lamas S, Sancho D. Oxidative phosphorylation selectively orchestrates tissue macrophage homeostasis. Immunity. 2023 Mar 14;56(3):516-530.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.01.011. Epub 2023 Feb 3. PMID: 36738738.
Park J, Rah SY, An HS, Lee JY, Roh GS, Ryter SW, Park JW, Yang CH, Surh YJ, Kim UH, Chung HT, Joe Y. Metformin-induced TTP mediates communication between Kupffer cells and hepatocytes to alleviate hepatic steatosis by regulating lipophagy and necroptosis. Metabolism. 2023 Apr;141:155516. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2023.155516. Epub 2023 Feb 10. PMID: 36773805.
Fang LZ, Lily Vidal JA, Hawlader O, Hirasawa M. High-fat diet-induced elevation of body weight set point in male mice. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2023 Apr;31(4):1000-1010. doi: 10.1002/oby.23650. Epub 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36811235.
Kim SJ, Gajbhiye A, Lyu AR, Kim TH, Shin SA, Kwon HC, Park YH, Park MJ. Sex differences in hearing impairment due to diet-induced obesity in CBA/Ca mice. Biol Sex Differ. 2023 Feb 21;14(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s13293-023-00493-z. PMID: 36810096; PMCID: PMC9945383.
Yang Q, Van Haute M, Korth N, Sattler S, Rose D, Juritsch A, Shao J, Beede K, Schmaltz R, Price J, Toy J, Ramer-Tait AE, Benson AK. The waxy mutation in sorghum and other cereal grains reshapes the gut microbiome by reducing levels of multiple beneficial species. Gut Microbes. 2023 Feb 21;15(1):2178799. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2178799. PMCID: PMC9980621.